PhD student, Engineering
Dylan is a PhD student at Thayer School of Engineering, with a coursework focus on Computer Science. His research focuses on expanding understanding of Human-Centered Design and Human-AI interaction. Specifically, he is interested in exploring novel use cases of narrative-based communication with AI technology. His projects address problems of equity and accessibility at scale within the domains of digital health and education. Dylan is a Dartmouth Innovation Fellow and received a Masters of Engineering Management (MEM) at Dartmouth. Prior to Dartmouth, he worked as a software engineer at YouTube and Lark Health and has a Masters and Bachelors in Computer Science from Stanford University.
Collaborator Karen Fortuna, lead of the RealVision project, was recently featured in a spread about our collaboration to develop smartphone-based diagnostics to identify early symptoms of dementia. The full story is here:
Dylan, Emma, Hannah, Shirin, Sid, Songyun, Vafa, Liz and Empower Lab collaborators attended the 2024 ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Honolulu, at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center on the island of Oʻahu. This is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction.
Lab members engaged in the conference in a variety of ways:
To help shape a vision for making digital therapeutics accessible to all, the Clinically-Validated Digital Therapeutics: Innovations in Scientific Discovery, Clinical Applications, and Global Deployment event gathered experts from diverse sectors of the health care industry—researchers, providers, regulators, payers, and investors, as well as representatives from global pharma.
Hannah, Songyun, Vafa, and Liz all attended; and Shirin and Dylan presented posters:
More details about other posters are here:
Dylan had the chance to visit our collaborators Prof. Clayton Lewis, Prof. Steve Voida, and members of Steve's lab.
Pepper Plush / Smart Toys project
Our proposal "Building Children's AI Literacy through Play-based Educational Technologies" has received a Neukom CompX grant!
More info about our proposal and other awardees is available here:
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