PhD student, Computer Science
Shirin is a Computer Science PhD student working at the intersection of healthcare, human experience, and human-computer interaction. Her current research focuses on how contextual factors (e.g., design of healthcare spaces, patient-clinician relationship, informed consent in psychiatry, etc.) can shape patients' experiences and impact their long term health outcomes.
Dylan, Emma, Hannah, Shirin, Sid, Songyun, Vafa, Liz and Empower Lab collaborators attended the 2024 ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Honolulu, at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center on the island of Oʻahu. This is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction.
Lab members engaged in the conference in a variety of ways:
The Centers Forum at Dartmouth funds proposals for creative programming that address the 2023-2024 theme: Uncommon Collaborations: Dialogue Across Difference.
To help shape a vision for making digital therapeutics accessible to all, the Clinically-Validated Digital Therapeutics: Innovations in Scientific Discovery, Clinical Applications, and Global Deployment event gathered experts from diverse sectors of the health care industry—researchers, providers, regulators, payers, and investors, as well as representatives from global pharma.
Hannah, Songyun, Vafa, and Liz all attended; and Shirin and Dylan presented posters:
More details about other posters are here:
Shirin is traveling to Boston to attend the 7th annual Patient Experience Symposium. The conference brings together leading stakeholders from across healthcare, all to improve patient experience.
Leslie Center Student Research Fellowship offers students a unique opportunity to undertake creative projects at the intersection of humanities and other disciplines.
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