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Empower Research Lab

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This project explores patient empowerment and the patient-clinician relationship. Our goal is to provide patients with an opportunity to reflect on their medical appointments and interactions. A few relevant research questions are: What types of thoughts are/are not being vocalized by patients during the visit? What are some of the barriers for patients in candidly discussing their experience/concerns/questions with healthcare providers? What are the underlying patterns of communication/behavior? How do these patterns correspond to different demographics? Our hypothesis is that chronic pain patients that candidly share their thoughts with their physician are more willing to reflect on the quality of their visit experience are more engaged in their own care and therefore have better clinical outcomes.

Project dates

2021 - Present


painpatientsethnographyco-designart-makingnarrativetangiblestestimonial justice


Research assistants: Grace Chen (Dartmouth Engineering and Music, 22S-24X), Piano Endo (DePauw Film Studies and CS & CRA-WP DREU, 22X), Amethyst McKenzie (Dartmouth CS modified with Neuroscience and Music, 22F), Andrea Robang (Dartmouth CS, 22S-22F)


Resonance workshop.JPG
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Murnane Research Group at Dartmouth College  |  Contact:  |  Last updated: October 2024 | Login

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